Department Travel Authorization (DA) Request Form


All domestic and international travel must be pre-approved prior to booking a trip by following these step by steps.

Submitter Information
If you have a UCB IdentiKey, please log in by visiting the login URL located at the top right of the screen.
If you’re a student you must first connect with the faculty or staff member who is providing funding for the transaction to receive permission from them to submit a purchase, reimbursement or travel request.  Once you've received permission, you may submit a request through the appropriate CS finance form.  You must include the email of the faculty who has authorized/approved the transaction in the email section of the form so that they receive a copy of your request.
Primary Affiliation
Will you be traveling and also hold an international visa such as F-1, J-1, etc...?
International Visa information is requested to determine immigration documents that will be required for reimbursement as per the international tax office.
Select an Option
(Note for students: Select employee if you are a student who is currently employed by CU in any capacity)
F-1, J-1, etc...
Information for Non-Employees' on International Visas is requested to determine immigration documents that will be required for reimbursement as per the international tax office.
Will you give a presentation as part of the purpose of this trip?
Student Level
Home Address
Travel Details
International Travel?
Personal Travel Section
Does this travel request include personal travel combined with business travel?
Comparison Quote
Will this trip include airfare?
One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
The airfare for this trip will be booked through
University's Travel Management Company
Employees who wish to purchase airfare outside of Concur/Christoperson Business Travel must submit an internet airfare exception. Include in the attachment section of this form either (1) documentation from PSC with pre-approval, if fare is not available through Concur/CBT (2) a comparison quote if demonstrating significant cost savings as outlined in the policy. It’s important that you follow the PSC Policy on internet airfare to ensure you will be reimbursed for your purchase.
Explaination Required
One file only.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Give detailed description/purpose of trip including the title of conference/event/talk/presentation (if acronyms or initials are used, also list the full name of the conference/event). Explain how the travel relates to the project/program being charged.
Travel Expense Estimations
Is there a registration fee associated with this trip?
Registration Fee Payment Source
Request Assistance with PCard?
Please have a CS Team member contact me for assistance with paying with their pcard.
I do not need assistance with this as I'm faculty/staff and will pay with my pcard.
I do not need assistance with this as a faculty member will pay with their pcard on my behalf.
Specify per diem to be claimed
Select number of days below.
Specify the amount to be reimbursed for meals during the entire trip below.
The university contracts with rental vehicle agencies.  Refer to this information when renting a car.  All car reservations for official university business must be made in Concur for employees or through Christopherson Business Travel for non employees.   Use travel card for payment if you have one for insurance purposes. 
Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
32 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
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